You are cordilly invited...
I have worked as stubborn as a mule, or as a goat, after all I am Aries.
First of all, from Ricardo. As always, as ever. Patient and loving.
Then Alejo, patient and loving...
Support from UNAM. And from OAC, Ontario Arts Council, a grant to set up.
Friends from OGP and Art Petch with his web page ottawapottery, advise and patience again!
Our Consul at the Embassy of Colombia, Monica Beltran also gave me support, the wine for the opening. A beautiful personal gesture from her.
The Gallery is beautiful. I would not find any better. The people, the light, the space.
Then support from dear friends, like Hanne and Bruce, Chandler and Mike, Chema, Olga, Pilar, Jane.
From my family, Maria and from Ricardo in the distance. Family. Friends. To each, Gracias.
Now the second challenge is during the next two weeks. Vernissage Monday, March 8th, the exhibit until the 19th. It is there. The work is there, on it's own. It will develop it's own language, it's meaning and questions...
I am grateful for Art has moved me. Other Artists, friends and from Internet, as Sugare Hara, Ghada Amer from Egypt and Sharin Neshat from Iran. Their work is with women, with what we live and do. With our conscience and awareness. They have kept me awake and going. Salud!